
After a semester-long exploration of words and semantics via mind maps and free-writing, I chose to examine the word, “manipulate”. The interpretation of this term varies based on context.  It can assume a negative connotation in politics or advertising, yet it takes on a more benign meaning in design or engineering, often describing the human ability to tinker and modify.

To capture these interpretations of "manipulate," I created a marionette.

Except for the faux fur, this puppet was made with repurposed, recycled, and found materials.



To create this drawing, I divided a sheet of paper into panels--inspired by cadavre exquis, but by myself. I “manipulated” my typical illustration process. The result is this strange, colorful, and revolting character.

I had to modify the head from the concept sketch, because it was too heavy for the puppet body.

©2024 Sofia Ella Quimbo. Always a work in progress.